Taine a anunţat că va lansa pe 15 noiembrie un nou videoclip pentru piesa „The world does not change”. Trupa a inclus şi câteva poze de la filmări, precum şi versurile piesei:
„Life is a circle
Everything returns to itself
The world is finally here
…for thousands of years.
Time is, time is fading
Spirit’s rising
Flesh is falling…
The world does not change
We’re facing our fates
Nothing has changed!
The world is the same
Nothing has changed and nothing will change.
Nothing is wasted
Our END is a circular truth
All is constantly here
From ancestral times.
Forms are omnipresent
Drawn from stardust
Healed by sunlight…
The world does not change
We’re facing our fates
Nothing has changed!
The world is the same
Nothing has changed and nothing will change.”