
Fear of Domination lansează un nou album

Trupa finlandeză de shock metal, Fear of Domination lansează albumul cu numărul 5, Metanoia, pe 4 mai. Trupa a oferit și un mic teaser pentru viitorul album cu single-ul „Obsession”. Vocalul descrie piesa ca fiind una ușor de digerat, cu o atmosferă plăcută.
Trupa conține în prezent 8 membri, dintre care un duo vocal dinamic format din Saku Solin și Sară Strömmer, care a intrat în trupă împreună cu toboșarul Mikael Kunttu.
Solin spune despre viitorul album că este divers și amplu, mai heavy și cu elemente de groove, dar și de industrial, ba chiar și de pop disco: „Avem multe noi trucuri sub mânecă. Am depășit barierele, dar menținem atmosfera de veselie. Nu avem reguli”.
Albumul este publicat de Ranka Kustannus, iar odată cu lansarea sa trupa pornește și în turneu alături de Amaranthe.
Lista de concerte:
4.5. Ilokivi, Jyväskylä, Finlanda
5.5. Henrys Pub, Kuopio, Finlanda
11.5. Nosturi, Helsinki, Finlanda
12.5. Yo-talo, Tampere, Finlanda
18.5. Tapper, Tallinn, Estonia (w/ Amaranthe)
19.5. Melna Piektdiena, Riga, Letonia (w/ Amaranthe)
20.5. Loftas, Vilnius, Lituania (w/ Amaranthe)
21.6. Nummirock, Kauhajoki, Finlanda

**English Version**

Shock metal band Fear of Domination is releasing its fifth studio album
METANOIA 4th of May 2018.

From metamorphosis to METANOIA. Shock metal band Fear of Domination has shed its skin and its music and number of band members is bigger than ever. The band is publishing its fifth studio album titled METANOIA 4th of MAy

The band is providing a small taster from the upcoming album with a new single Obsession. The male vocalist Saku Solin describes Obsession as an easygoing song with good vibes.

“It has some pogo dance elements. The song is fittingly catchy, short and functional strike with some strickt in-your-face song demands. I think it represents pretty well the spirit of the band”.

Fear of Domination has now eight members. The fans have welcomed the dynamic singer duo of Saku Solin and the female vocalist Sara Strömmer and most of all the chemistry between them. Strömmer joined the band last year with the percussionist Mikael Kunttu.

“The previous single The Last Call is an amazing, powerful and melodic big song, where we really showed what Sara has to offer. Obsession is more straightforward and we have a strong, balanced alternation together”, Solin says.

Solin tells that the upcoming album is big and diverse. It has heavier and groovier elements mixed with taste of industrial and even poppish disco material.

”We have a lot of new tricks. We have broken the boundaries, but maintained our easy-going cheerfulness. We have no rules”, he says.

METANOIA is published by Ranka Kustannus. With the new album Fear of Domination starts an enthusiastic touring in Finland and the Baltics with Amaranthe.

Fear of Dominations live show calendar:
4.5. Ilokivi, Jyväskylä, Finland
5.5. Henrys Pub, Kuopio, Finland
11.5. Nosturi, Helsinki, Finland
12.5. Yo-talo, Tampere, Finland
18.5. Tapper, Tallinn, Estonia (w/ Amaranthe)
19.5. Melna Piektdiena, Riga, Latvia (w/ Amaranthe)
20.5. Loftas, Vilnius, Lithuania (w/ Amaranthe)
21.6. Nummirock, Kauhajoki, Finland

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